North Andover BUNCO

This is a site dedicated to the Bodacious Bunco Babes of North Andover.

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November 2023 - FIVE YEARS!!!  Yes....five years since the last Bunco update.... 

But the Babes are Back!!  COVID couldn't keep us down; and while it's still out there, we can be safe and still get drunk have fun!  Take a look at the schedule, look for invitations, and please note we're looking for volunteers for some open months.

September 2018 - Well, a lot has happened in a month!  A new Bunco (with pictures, see the Pictures page), some new members....  And quite a scare as our and neghboring towns faced a crisis due to Gas issues.  Thankful that our niche of the world is safe, yet mournful for the losses many have faced and are STILL facing.  The Babes really came together with offers of help, keeping in touch, and keeping all of us updated.  You are an incredible group!!!!

Your humble web-servant met a few of you as we swarmed gas company workers in the kids on a hot Summer day crowd the ice Cream Truck!  Truly great to meet you, despite the circumstances.  And hats off to these workers, they are putting in incredibly long and hard shifts.

Finally, if you are looking to help, Project Home Again is a great local organization, and they have set up a special page for people impacted by the recent gas issue.

We've been blessed in many ways, it would be great to help others not so fortunate!

August 2018 - Another ~1 year has passed.  One of our long-term regulars has moved away, but we hope that a reverse commute will land her back in North Andover on Bunco type occasions!  We will miss you Dena & family, but truly hope to keep seeing and hearing from you.  All the best to you all!  And we start off after another Summer break to continue the fun, be it Bunco (and wine), Cards Against Humanity (and wine), old and new friends (and wine), some good chat (and wine), and lots of laughs (and wine).  And wine....and a few beers perhaps.

August update redux: welcome Kerry and family to the neighborhood, and to Bunco.  We hope you enjoy your stay!

September 2017 - What???!!!  Almost two years since an update????  Uhhhh....Writer's Block?  Nah, hardly ever at a loss for words.  It has to be over 15 years for the Bunco Babes....given the first entry in this page, it's been over 14 just for this site.  Many new names and faces, a healthy dose of the regulars, and lots of memories.  As the Frog proverb goes, Time's Fun When You're Having Flies.  Or something like that...  And little old me, your humble web-servant, honored to be a small part of it.  <3 you all!!

December 2015 - another year approaches an end, and we reflect on the the beauty of life, the wonderful friends we have, this great game we play; and tentatively freaking out over a snowy friggin' winter like last year.  Winter Wonderland indeed....wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and propserous holiday and New Year!

September 2015 - Thanks to Comcast for deprecating their individual web sites, we have moved (or, in cynical terms, been evicted....likely for bad behavior)!  I hope you like the new place, it looks just like the old but the wiring is better :-)  I tried to move ths site over as-is, it may have a couple minor glitches but seems fully functional.  

Please relax and enjoy your stay!

November 2014 - another virtual eon, another update.  Thankfully this wonderful group of ladies is more consistent then this author.   Some more hellos and goodbyes, and the 2015 schedule is now up (with one open slot for June as of this writing).  And Lisa sends us a few pics from her hosting this month.  A reminder, no Bunco for December.  Wishing you all peace, prosperity, warmth and joy this winter and holiday season!

October 2013 - has it really been that long since a written update???  Well....we should remedy that!  Again, new faces appear, and we said goodbye to some as well.  Judith and her small army are back overseas, and Sandi is facing the other sea in California now....they will be missed, but warmly remembered with every dice roll and Bunco dance.  Liz lights up the new season with a great invite and pictures of get-togethers of yonder.  And fun is on the menu (along with a TINY bit of alcohol perhaps)!

May 2010 - some new faces and names appear.  Welcome to Suzanne, Judith (even though she was not able to make the latest Bunco Bash), and Kim (no contact info yet).  Also, some pics from the May fete a la Karen G, aka my sweetie.  See the pictures link.

September 2009 - a new season is upon us!  Some schedule/hosting changes, please see the Schedule Link.

November 2008 - welcome to new member Pam, and schedule updates for 2009.  Also, slightly off-topic, but congrats to our own Liz M for being so freaking awesome and winning a national championship in her tennis league!!

Hoping everyone has a safe, joyous, and low-calorie holiday season!

January 2008 - some member updates, welcome to Lyn, an "official" welcome to Michele & Rachael, a new home address for Donna F., and a new email address for Shalini.  Also, thanks to the Andover Babes, January (Jayne) and February (Chris) are now slotted with hostesses.

October 2007 Part Deux - a couple very nice pictures from Megan's Bunco night added to the pictures section.  Also, the 2008 schedule, as best as we have it....

October 2007 - welcome to Donna and Anne.  We've got quite the group here now!

July 2007 - welcome to Shalini, who will hopefully be there for the first fall Bunco.  And also a new email address for Dena.

May 2007 - welcome to Christine, Lisa and Rachael, the newest Bunco Babes; added to the Members page.  Also, pics from Karen G's April hosting, including the latest in gambling nasal fashion by Dena P!

November 2006 - a LONG overdue few pics of the September '06 Block Party, and updates to the schedule

May 2006 - a big WELCOME to the newest Bunco....Baby!  Congratulations to Nili and her entire family on the birth of daughter Liat; pictures on the web site (under Pictures, where else :-). 

ALSO: date and place change for the next Bunco, June 2nd instead of the 9th, at Debbie S's.  Come one, come all to the last Bunco before Summer Break!

April 2006 - some pictures from Sandi M's Bunco night in February, and a change of place for Bunco this month

January 2006 - some pictures from Karen G's Bunco night in January, schedule update, and yours truly has released his "Proposal Brownie" recipe

October 2005 - Welcome to the newest Babe, Megan G!  Apparently she was not scared off when she last visited Bunco Night :-)

September 2005 - Welcome to new Bunco Babes Meredith and Shawna!  And a farewell of sorts to Maureen, still a babe, but not playing Bunco for now....  NEXT: CHANGE IN DATE FOR OCTOBER BUNCO, see schedule page.  Also, pictures from this summer's Labor Day Weekend Block Party on the Pictures page.  Enjoy!

August 2005 - Updated schedule into Summer 2006; pictures from June at Nili's

January 2005 - Bunco Scoresheet (in Microsoft Excel Format) from Dena & Liz Mo - check out the Info/Links page;  new recipes from Sandi M; and a schedule change for Feb & Mar.

September 2004 - BIG picture update, neighborhood block party!  Also, a belated welcome to the neighborhood - and of course Bunco! - to Nili M.  We still hope to see you often, though, Chris.  Once a member of the Bodacious Bunco Babes, ALWAYS a member!

May 2004 - There have been several updates, check out Pictures, Recipes, and Links...Enjoy!

July 2003 - New pictures and recipes added.  Edie P Graduates!

March 2003 - Welcome to the new site !  I hope you enjoy it, and find it useful and informative.